Should you arrive with a restricted item in your possession, you will be asked to return it to your vehicle. You may be subject to search at certain events. No large purses, bags, backpacks or fanny-packs will be allowed inside Stir Concert Cove Our guests’ safety and enjoyment are our primary goals.Mace/Pepper Spray or any type of chemical spray.In-line or Roller Skates, Skateboards, Scooters, Bicycles.Fireworks, or any other pyrotechnic devices.» Clear plastic, vinyl or PVC tote bags permitted after search (when applicable) » Small or clutch-sized purses/wallets, not exceeding 4.5 inches tall by 6.5 inches long are permitted » One-gallon, clear plastic freezer bags are also acceptable (Ziploc bag or similar) PLEASE NOTE: Due to artist restrictions, some items listed above may not be allowed for certain shows. Only bags within the following guidelines will be allowed to enter Stir Concert Cove.Ponchos/Rain Coats if weather dictates.Cameras: non-professional/no flash - this is a show specific policy as determined by the artist, please call 329-6000, option 2 on the day before the show to confirm policy.
RECORDING DEVICES: Are not permitted What to Bring
CAMERAS: Non-professional, no flash permitted unless otherwise indicated.